
Somewhere, over the rainbow, a blog is born. A blog for Kansas. A blog for America. A blog by a reporter with a difficult-to-pronounce last name. But most importantly, a blog that is AMERICA'S ONLY PLACE dedicated to the vital intersection of politics and Sunflowers. The Heartland gods nod in wise approval.

Monday, October 11, 2004

One argument heard from Boeing immediately after Congress killed tanker leasing last weekend was that the language of the defense authorization bill didn't require competition for a tanker contract. The bill is indeed vague on this, but tanker opponents John McCain and John Warner held a colloquy on the Senate floor to make it clear that competition is the bill's intent. Text of the exchange is here.

Happy South Dakota Native American Day! South Dakotans changed the name about 15 years ago, and today will feature celebrations of the first inhabitants all across the state. Meanwhile, the federal gov't takes the day off, but the journalists don't.

The Kansas City Star's Steve Kraske handicaps KS and Mo. races so far, and finds something curious about KS-3, where Kris Kobach has been running on the right to unseat Rep. Dennis Moore.

Not long ago, Kobach appeared with conservative icon the Rev. Jerry Falwell. Kobach's campaign emphasizes its opposition to gay marriage and the country's loose immigration standards, not exactly a burning issue in the middle of America, although it qualifies as red meat to conservatives.

It could be that, with more Republicans moving into the 3rd every year, that Kobach's focusing on turning out the base. We'll see how it plays out. For a chance to chat online with the Kansas Democratic candidates, find details here for a 2 p.m. EST affair.

Kansas ranks 29th in federal funding among all states, according to the U.S. Census. That's not bad, delegation sources say, considering it's 32nd in population. The Great Plains, home to hard-working individualists, tends to get more federal aid per capita than it sends out.